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The Ready Writer

Meet the author

So pleased you are here! My name is Toni. I am a minister’s wife, mom of 3, author, and run a busy cottage custom cake and cupcake bakery. In the most tiring and most difficult season of my life, God called me to begin creating a series of journals. It all started with a need. It was my need. God met it. And now I am here to share the beautiful things that the Lord has done. In this trying time, when I thought I was simply answering the call and being obedient, God was actually ministering to me in it all. He showed me the amazing ways “writing it down” heals and reveals.

I pray the words on the pages fill your heart with light, and the lines give you the freedom to let that light shine.

-holy kisses, Toni

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This life-changing, scripture-based affirmation journal will TRANSFORM your THOUGHTS and the WORDS you SPEAK.

Every day, we are unknowingly making declarations over our lives through our thoughts and language. The story we tell ourselves about ourselves is the story that we will ultimately live out. The Ready Writer affirmation journal will help align your thoughts and language with what the Word of God says, so that you can live the life that God intended for you, true life and that more abundantly.

The WORDS we speak carry POWER!

The Ready Writer Affirmation Journal will align your thoughts and speech with the Word of God and allow you to RECREATE your path of life from stuck, lost, depressed, FREE, FOUND, JOYFUL, and FULL of FAITH.
Each section contains scriptural affirmations that allow you to easily apply the Word of God to your life in a POWERFUL way!

Change your thoughts, change your speech, CHANGE YOUR LIFE. This inspiring journal will help you keep your thoughts and words in agreement with who God says you are, leading you to a more fulfilled, joyful and peace-filled life.